Want to buy a Audi RS 3 Sedan? Use our car loan calculator to easily calculate your monthly payments in the Philippines. Enter the loan amount, interest rate and term, and get the results instantly. Check monthly payment price calculated by simulating a down payment of 35%, a loan interest rate of 12%, and a loan period of 4 years through the Audi RS 3 Sedan Loan Calculator.
The following prices are calculated based on: the prices of different Audi RS 3 Sedan car variants, a 35% down payment, a 4-year loan term, and a 12% interest rate.
Monthly Payment
Almost as soon as it was launched, the Civic Type R has been embroiled in a price-gouging scandal that has honestly turned off a lot of potential buyers from the coveted 4-door sports car. Unwilling to give in, these people are by no means hard up or are unable to pay the exorbitant markups – on the contrary, a cool half-mil to some of these people is simply a proverbial drop in the ocean. What they don’t care about is being cheated out of their hard-earned money for someone else’s gain. So what
Mark Policarpio