Want to buy a Maxus G50? Use our car loan calculator to easily calculate your monthly payments in the Philippines. Enter the loan amount, interest rate and term, and get the results instantly. Check monthly payment price calculated by simulating a down payment of 35%, a loan interest rate of 12%, and a loan period of 4 years through the Maxus G50 Loan Calculator.
The following prices are calculated based on: the prices of different Maxus G50 car variants, a 35% down payment, a 4-year loan term, and a 12% interest rate.
Monthly Payment
As the average Filipino family grows, the need for a car that can fit them all grows as well. In the past, the minimum requirement was five - dad, mom, two kids, and maybe a grandparent or the househelp. Today, the average Filipino buyer needs to consider at least six seats when buying a vehicle - dad, mom, at least two kids, the nanny, and possibly both grandparents. Not only that but because of the modern family's versatility in income - possibly from both a steady job and a family business -
Mark Policarpio