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Variants List
Select Variant
Select Variant
Specs Comparison
BodyType Hatchback Hatchback
Segment A-Segment -
Transmission CVT AT
Capacity(L)(L) 1.2 1.4
Horsepower(PS)(PS) 90 99
Torque (Nm) 110 133
Dimensions Comparison
Dimensions Comparison
3811 mm
2405 mm
1682 mm
1487 mm
4065 mm
2580 mm
1725 mm
1450 mm
Photo Comparison
Comparison of Pros & Cons

  • With a fresh & sporty appearance that includes a pair of large headlamps, muscular profile, Honda’s signature thick chrome grille, and a traditional tailgate instead of an all-glass unit, the all-new Honda Brio packs in a very enticing appeal.
  • Comes with all the essencial features
  • Impressive handling and ride
  • Great fuel efficient. The new Honda Brio gets a 1.2-litre i-VTEC petrol-fed engine that makes good 90 PS and 110 Nm. For a car of Honda Brio's stature, the 1.2-litre unit is more than sufficient and offers a nice blend of performance and fuel efficiency.

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  • When it comes to premium hatchbacks, there are very few options available in the market, which offer the stance and levels of a premium feel-good factor as the Kia Rio does. The hatchback is fairly large and the dimensions along with the low slung stance give the Kia Rio a smart and authoritative road presence.
  • It’s not only the exteriors of the Kia Rio which make it a premium looking car, but the hatchback is also pretty impressive when you step in its cabin as well. The overall cabin layout not only feels wide and well-built, but also the presence of many premium bits like a touch screen infotainment system, keyless entry with push-button start and automatic climate control makes it feel like a car from one segment above.
  • While the large dimensions give the Kia Rio a good presence, they also play a major role in making the interior cabin vastly spacious as well. The Rio offers an impressive amount of legroom and knee room, which are comparable to an entry-level sedan positioned one price bracket above it.

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  • Better interior materials
  • Rear headroom

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  • The Kia Rio’s 1.4-litre engine is fairly decent when it comes to performance on tarmac, but the fuel efficiency in both manual, as well as automatic variants, are not too excellent to write about.
  • The Kia Rio feels upmarket and modern in each and every aspect, however, the instrument console design feels too plain and unattractive, which makes up for a boring looking driver’s cockpit.

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  • Which is more reliable Honda Brio or KIA Rio?

    Both Honda Brio and KIA Rio have a reliability rating of 4.5 (out of 5.0 points).
  • Which is more fuel efficient Honda Brio or KIA Rio?

    The specific fuel consumption comparison of the two vehicles can be found here: Honda Brio fuel consumption, KIA Rio fuel consumption.
  • Which is bigger Honda Brio or KIA Rio?

    To compare the dimensions of the two cars, you can see the above Dimensions Comparison data to draw conclusions.

In Brief Reviews

Compare models by Car Price, Service Cost, Size, Fuel Consumption, Space, Mileage, Features, Colors, Pons & Cons, Images and other specs to tell you which is better Honda Brio or KIA Rio

Honda Brio

Honda Brio price starts at ₱ 680000. Honda Brio has 1.2L engine.


KIA Rio price starts at ₱ 920000. KIA Rio has 1.4L engine.

Comparing multiple vehicles, variants and features can't be easier with Autofun’s strong car comparison tool, just stack them all up from the cars list. Compare Price, Variant, Fuel Type, Engine Power, Torque, Transmission Type, Engine Displacement(cc), Gear Box, Dimensions, Drive Type, Wheel & Tyre, Safety, Assist System, Exterior, Interior, Multi-media, you’ll surely have an idea of what your perfect car is with our clear and informative comparison report between Honda Brio vs KIA Rio

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