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Variants List
Select Variant
Select Variant
Specs Comparison
BodyType - Crossover
Segment - Sports car
Transmission CVT AT
Capacity(L)(L) 1.5 1.5
Horsepower(PS)(PS) 147 177
Torque (Nm) 210 255
Dimensions Comparison
Dimensions Comparison
4800 mm
2760 mm
1824 mm
1725 mm
4330 mm
2600 mm
1795 mm
1609 mm
Photo Comparison
Comparison of Pros & Cons
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  • Stunning design: Although it’s China-made, the car has plenty of American and European design elements. The rear diffuser and piano black roof make the car tempting to own.
  • Futuristic interior: Brushed chrome, sleek lines, and a 3-tone palette make the Coolray’s interior give a futuristic feel. The cabin is a gorgeous place to be in.
  • Responsive powertrain: Despite the 1.5-litre petrol engine having 3 cylinders, it doesn’t affect the powertrain. The Coolray produces 177 PS and 255 Nm
  • Safety: The car comes with impressive safety features like stability control, automatic headlights, blind-spot detection, 6 airbags, and an electronic parking brake.

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  • Transmission: The driver has to get used to the DCT. It’s a bit different from the regular AT. It requires some practice to get used to the DCT.
  • Non-frugal: The mileage offered is poor, though the engine is a good performer. But the highway fuel economy is better than within the city.
  • Space: Although it’s a 5-seater, the rear seat can accommodate only 2 persons comfortably. Seating 3 on the rear seat will be packed.
  • High central console: For many drivers, the central console is above the elbow and rubs each other while cornering.

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  • Which is more reliable BAIC M60 or Geely Coolray?

    Both BAIC M60 and Geely Coolray have a reliability rating of 4.5 (out of 5.0 points).
  • Which is more fuel efficient BAIC M60 or Geely Coolray?

    The specific fuel consumption comparison of the two vehicles can be found here: BAIC M60 fuel consumption, Geely Coolray fuel consumption.
  • Which is bigger BAIC M60 or Geely Coolray?

    To compare the dimensions of the two cars, you can see the above Dimensions Comparison data to draw conclusions.

In Brief Reviews

Compare models by Car Price, Service Cost, Size, Fuel Consumption, Space, Mileage, Features, Colors, Pons & Cons, Images and other specs to tell you which is better BAIC M60 or Geely Coolray


BAIC M60 price starts at ₱ 998000. BAIC M60 has 1.5L engine.

Geely Coolray

Geely Coolray price starts at ₱ 1073000. Geely Coolray has 1.5L engine.

Comparing multiple vehicles, variants and features can't be easier with Autofun’s strong car comparison tool, just stack them all up from the cars list. Compare Price, Variant, Fuel Type, Engine Power, Torque, Transmission Type, Engine Displacement(cc), Gear Box, Dimensions, Drive Type, Wheel & Tyre, Safety, Assist System, Exterior, Interior, Multi-media, you’ll surely have an idea of what your perfect car is with our clear and informative comparison report between BAIC M60 vs Geely Coolray

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