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Variants List
Selects Motorcycles
Selects Motorcycles
Specs Comparison
Displacement(cc) - 125
Maximum Power - 9.3 hp
Category Scooter Scooter
Number Of Strokes - 4-Stroke
Start Option - Electric
Dimensions Comparison
Dimensions Comparison
-- mm
-- mm
-- mm
-- mm
1870 mm
1260 mm
685 mm
1035 mm
Photo Comparison
Comparison of Pros & Cons

  • good enough for daily drive
  • good handling
  • comfort riding
  • classic looking

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  • Yamaha might have pitched the Mio i 125 as a basic entry-level scooter, however, it still manages to pull off a trendy personality with colorful and sporty body decals and black finish for alloy wheels and engine. This makes it look not so bare-bones for the price at which it is being offered.
  • The Yamaha Mio i 125 is powered by a four-stroke, single-cylinder, air-cooled, 125cc engine, which produces a maximum power output of 9.5PS and a peak torque output of 9.6Nm. For a scooter which weighs only 92kgs, the Yamaha Mio i 125 has a good and punchy performance for city riding.
  • Being a light weighted scooter, the Yamaha Mio i 125 is very easy and ergonomic to ride for daily urban duties. The large 14-inch wheels, as well as a telescopic suspension at the front, do aid in making the Mio i 125 a stable scooter.
  • There is an abundance of after-market parts and accessories in the local market for the Mio i 125. Service maintenance will not cost much as the abundance of parts supply keep prices low. 

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  • lack of power

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  • The Yamaha Mio i 125 is fitted with a very small 4.2-litre of fuel tank, which gives it a very small tank range. It is a decent scooter for short city rides, but when it comes to long runs, the scooter runs out of tank range, which is limited
  • Except the presence of a key shutter mechanism pitched as a safety feature, the Yamaha Mio i 125 lacks features to keep costs in check, but as a result, it feels too basic. The S variant might be the more attractive option.
  • Due to its popularity, the Mio i 125 is a common target of motorcycle thieves. You might always have to park in secure locations.

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Motorcycle Reviews Comparison
Motorcycle Reviews
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  • Which is more reliable Benelli Panarea 125 or Yamaha Mio i 125?

    Both Benelli Panarea 125 and Yamaha Mio i 125 have a reliability rating of 4.5 (out of 5.0 points).
  • Which is more fuel efficient Benelli Panarea 125 or Yamaha Mio i 125?

    The specific fuel consumption comparison of the two motorcycles can be found here: Benelli Panarea 125 fuel consumption, Yamaha Mio i 125 fuel consumption.
  • Which is bigger Benelli Panarea 125 or Yamaha Mio i 125?

    To compare the dimensions of the two motorcycles, you can see the above Dimensions Comparison data to draw conclusions.

In Brief Reviews

Compare models by Motorcycle Price, Service Cost, Size, Fuel Consumption, Mileage, Features, Colors, Pons & Cons, Images and other specs to tell you which is better Benelli Panarea 125 or Yamaha Mio i 125

Benelli Panarea 125

Benelli Panarea 125 price starts at ₱ 95000. Benelli Panarea 125 has -cc engine.

Yamaha Mio i 125

Yamaha Mio i 125 price starts at ₱ 75900. Yamaha Mio i 125 has 125cc engine.

Comparing multiple motorcycles, variants and features can't be easier with Autofun’s strong motorcycle comparison tool, just stack them all up from the motorcycles list. Compare Price, Variant, Fuel Type, Maximum Power, Maximum Torque, Fuel Tank Capacity (litres), Fuel Type, Clutch Type, Dimension, Kerb Weight, Exterior, Brake & Suspension, Transmission Type, Gear Box, Safety, Console, you’ll surely have an idea of what your perfect motorcycle is with our clear and informative comparison report between Benelli Panarea 125 vs Yamaha Mio i 125

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