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2021 TVS Max4R Standard Price


    ₱ 49,900

    2021 TVS Max4R Standard Price In Philippines

    2021 TVS Max4R Standard Specs
    Maximum Power8.28 hp
    Start OptionElectric
    The price for 2021 TVS Max4R Standard is ₱ 49,900, for other TVS Max4R model prices, please check the list below.
    • How much is TVS Max4R in the Philippines?

      The TVS Max4R price in the Philippines starts at P49,900. The lowest price is the 2021 TVS Max4R Standard, ranging all the way up to the 2021 TVS Max4R Standard priced at P49,900.

    • Is the TVS Max4R a good motorcycle?

      The TVS Max4R is a popular motorcycle to buy as it offers powerful and efficient engine options as well as premium, spacious interiors. Even used TVS Max4R motorcycles offer the premium driving experience.

    • What models does TVS Max4R have?

      TVS Max4R models in the Philippines: 2021 TVS Max4R Standard.

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