Check our full list of new Between ₱2m-3m D-Segment E-Segment Rear Camera cars in the Philippines. Here we cover 20 Between ₱2m-3m D-Segment E-Segment Rear Camera cars models available in 2025. By research, Mitsubishi , Toyota , Mazda , Honda , Ford is the most popular Between ₱2m-3m D-Segment E-Segment Rear Camera cars maker in the Philippines. The top of Between ₱2m-3m D-Segment E-Segment Rear Camera vehicles include Ford Everest,Toyota Fortuner,Nissan Terra. The price range about Between ₱2m-3m D-Segment E-Segment Rear Camera cars for sale near you in the Philippines is Mitsubishi Montero Sport priced at ₱ 1,568,000 - 2,341,000, and the most expensive Between ₱2m-3m D-Segment E-Segment Rear Camera car is Ford Explorer at ₱ 2,998,000 . View all the details, including images, specifications and features for all variants. Read our expert reviews and more.