![SADDLETALE: Dos and don'ts of riding motorcycles with a child passenger 01]()
My eldest daughter is now in the process of getting her own driver’s license but I recall a time during her younger years when she would ask for evening motorcycle rides (walking pace) around the neighborhood park to help her get in the mood for bed time. We don’t do bed time stories.
However, I wouldn’t even think of taking a child passenger with me when I am to ride on public roads. I cringe whenever I see motorcycles on the road with child pillions hanging on for dear life.
While the subject might be up for debate, it is perfectly legal to have a child back rider so long as you comply to the provisions of Republic Act 10666 or “Children's Safety on Motorcycles Act of 2015".
Section 4 of RA 10666 states that it shall be unlawful for any person to drive a two (2)-wheeled motorcycle with a child on board on public roads where there is heavy volume of vehicles, there is a high density of fast-moving vehicles or where a speed limit of more than 60/kph is imposed, unless:
(a) The child passenger can comfortably reach his/her feet on the standard foot peg of the motorcycle;
(b) The child’s arms can reach around and grasp the waist of the motorcycle rider; and
(c) The child is wearing a standard protective helmet referred to under Republic Act No. 10054, otherwise known the "Motorcycle Helmet Act of 2009."
Just to be clear, having a child passenger on a motorcycle while riding on public roads is illegal, unless ALL three conditions are met.
Another exemption is when the child to be transported requires immediate medical attention, assuming that you are on your way to a medical facility.
Now, if the supposed child passenger does not meet conditions mentioned, do not compensate by doing the following:
- Sandwich the child between two adult riders – this might seem safer for the child and more practical but it is illegal to have more that one passenger on a motorcycle, as stated in the LTO Administrative Order 2008-015. A motorcycle is not a family car.
- Have the child ride on the front floor board – this is a common practice for scooter riders, where the small child will be standing on the front floor board of the scooter while the rider uses his/her thighs as side barriers. Again, this seems more practical it actually puts the child in a more precarious situation.
Also, it is quite difficult to find a decent motorcycle helmet for kids. Sure, there some kids’ helmets available on Shopee but as to their safety rating, your guess is as good as mine.
Letting your child passenger wear an adult’s helmet is a no-no because it is too loose it will probably just come off in the event of a spill. It might also be too heavy that it could cause neck injury to the child.
Motorcycling inevitably leaves the rider more exposed to potential injuries in case of an accident. There’s simply no two ways about it. If you must travel with a child, just take the bus.
Just my two cents…