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Gulf Oil Philippines celebrates its first trackday at Clark International Speedway

Joey Deriquito · Nov 12, 2023 11:30 AM

Gulf Oil Philippines celebrates its first trackday at Clark International Speedway 01

Gulf trackday marks the brand's entry into the Philippine motorsports arena.

Gulf Oil Philippines held its inaugural trackday event at the Clark International Speedway (CIS) on November 4, 2023, to the delight of car enthusiasts. The event drivers and participants from all over experience the thrill of circuit driving. It also signaled the entry of the oil company into the automotive motorsport arena with a bang. 

It was the ideal venue for the history event as (CIS) features a 4.189-kilometer-long circuit well known for its challenging layout. It features a combination of high-speed straights and technical corners, offering a thrilling experience for novice and experienced drivers. The circuit is also a famous track that hosts significant racing events such as the Vios Cup and many more. 

Camaraderie at the track

Gulf Oil Philippines celebrates its first trackday at Clark International Speedway 02


The trackday also focused on camaraderie and inclusivity. Whether you're a seasoned racing driver or a novice, you can participate in the event. The event aimed to create a supportive environment where participants could learn, share their passion, and connect with like-minded individuals. It was not just about getting an adrenaline fix but about coming together as a community of enthusiasts who shared a common love for motorsports.

A wide variety of vehicles

Gulf Oil Philippines celebrates its first trackday at Clark International Speedway 03


The event also showcased various vehicles, from sports cars and fully built racecars to your run-of-the-mill sedans and hatchbacks. It even had a few exotic cars that joined in the fun. Participants had the opportunity to test their vehicles on the track and experience the thrill of speed in a safe and controlled environment. The diversity of vehicles on the track added an extra layer of excitement, with the rumble of powerful engines and the sleek lines of high-performance cars creating a sensory delight.

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The success of the first trackday has set the stage for the oil company to set up more events like it in the future. The overwhelming participation and positive feedback from drivers and spectators indicate a strong interest in the event, and it looks like it will be here to stay. 

Gulf Oil Philippines has yet to announce the next event, but from the looks of things, it might happen again next year. 

Joey Deriquito

Junior Writer

A car enthusiast at heart, nothing excites Joey more than an open road and a full tank of gas. Ready with the latest information about cars, he constantly studies and researches the latest happenings in the motoring world while caring for a car that's an extension of himself.

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