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Not-so-clean fun: CFMOTO holds dirt track test drive of off-road vehicles in Pampanga

Gilbert Chao · Jul 6, 2023 10:30 AM

Not-so-clean fun: CFMOTO holds dirt track test drive of off-road vehicles in Pampanga 01


CFMOTO recently hosted its first-ever CFMOTO Experience Day last July 2, 2023 at Ground Zero MX Track, Magalang-Arayat, Pampanga.

The event brought together hundreds of guests for the opportunity to test out CFMOTO’s latest off-road vehicle offerings.

The CFMOTO Experience Day proved to be a haven not just for off-road enthusiasts but also for family and friends who sought adventure from all ages and skill levels.

Not-so-clean fun: CFMOTO holds dirt track test drive of off-road vehicles in Pampanga 02


The event showcased CFMOTO's diverse range of off-road vehicles, from the ATVs (CFORCE 450 S, CFORCE 625, CFORCE 1000 Overland) to the versatile UTVs (UFORCE 1000XL, UFORCE 600), and the rugged Side by Sides (ZFORCE 800 Trail, ZFORCE 1000 Sport R).

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Attendees at the CFMOTO Experience Day had the privilege of interacting directly with CFMOTO's equally passionate team, who were on hand to provide expert insights and guidance. From discussing technical specifications to sharing off-road tips and tricks, the experts went above and beyond to ensure an informative and engaging experience for all.

Not-so-clean fun: CFMOTO holds dirt track test drive of off-road vehicles in Pampanga 01


The success of the CFMOTO Experience Day is a testament to CFMOTO's unwavering commitment to innovation, quality, and customer satisfaction. With each passing year, CFMOTO continues to push boundaries, delivering cutting-edge off-road vehicles that redefine adventure.

Not-so-clean fun: CFMOTO holds dirt track test drive of off-road vehicles in Pampanga 02


CFMOTO has showrooms in Caloocan, Sucat Paranaque, Lipa Batangas, and Binan Laguna. For more information about CFMOTO ATV Philippines and its off-road vehicles, you may contact +63 917 152 9048 (Ray).

If riding motorcycles in the dirt is not your thing, maybe playing in the mud on quad bikes is more your cup of tea. Would you go off-road on these vehicles?  

Gilbert Chao

Motorcycle Editor

A moto-journo who spends most of his time on the saddle unless otherwise saddled with desk work. His curious nature and poor sense of direction often take him on unplanned adventures.

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