“The times, they are a-changin”
– Bob Dylan
The above quote was posted because even what was considered normal back in the day is now considered inapplicable or must be changed due to the dangers.
I felt that it was time to debunk what we've come to accept as correct and instead be more politically correct on the road.
It's time to either change some old Pinoy husbands’ tales about driving's unwritten rules or get people to know why these practices have become obsolete and inapplicable in today's world.
That said, below is a list of some of those unwritten driving protocols that people get wrong, at least in the Philippine setting.
Hazard lights during heavy rain
This unwritten rule is most observed during heavy downpours on expressways, but an increasing number of drivers do this practice in urbanity.
We know having your hazards on when it's raining cats and dogs supposedly allows you to be better seen and "warn" drivers behind you to slow down.
But guess what – they can sense the danger even without your hazard lights blinking away as you drive.
You are not supposed to turn on your hazard lights while driving through squalls. This is because it signals to other motorists that you are in distress and, thus, need to stop.
Rather, best to turn on your headlights to be better seen.
Turn off your turbo engine right after driving
With a relatively new vehicle, turning the engine off immediately is OK, except if it is turbocharged.
As a general guide, you should never turn off an engine with a turbocharger without allowing it a couple of minutes to cool down. This is especially applicable if you have been running that sort of engine hard, such as climbing a long hill at full throttle.
The reason for this is that the turbo is cooled by the lubricating oil flowing through it. When you shut off the engine, the oil flow stops.
Thus, the oil left in the turbo at that instant (like in the bearings and shaft that spins the fan that produces cool air piped into the engine) might get hot enough to turn into a gum-like residue.
The end result is very expensive turbo repair and your car spending more time in the shop than on the road.
Coffee, energy drinks are solutions to keep you awake
Yes, coffee and your average energy drinks have caffeine that blocks sleep-promoting receptors in your brain and keeps you awake.
However, if you have had only one to two hours of sleep before you’re behind the wheel, no amount of those liquids can keep you awake.
The caffeine effect tends to be short-lived. And what happens afterward is what is known as a caffeine crash.
In other words, once the chemicals of caffeine wear off on the brain, you suddenly feel sleepy again and you feel more drowsy than before you drank those liquids.
Hence, it’s better to get proper sleep and have a full stomach, instead of trying to rely on caffeine just to get to a long-distance destination.
Road markings are not mere suggestions
This is not an entirely cut-and-dry matter, even if what was taught to you in driving school and common sense dictate that no part of your car should even enter a box junction or a pedestrian lane.
Unfortunately, because most metropolitan areas (including Metro Manila) have severe overcrowding when it comes to vehicle traffic, public order and safety enforcers often resort to asking cars at the front of a queue in front of a traffic light to move forward a bit and make their respective front bumpers enter those virtual boxes.
But this is should be the exception, not the norm.
Only encroach on restricted lanes or contradict traffic rules when an enforcer or person of authority directs you to do so. Otherwise, you deserve to get a ticket.
Driving with your arms fully extended, seat leaned back
Known as the “gangsta lean,” this position is not recommended for driving in any situation.
This is because the aforementioned driving posture prevents quick reactions from the driver to steer away from potential prangs due to the overwhelmingly relaxed posture.
The correct position is to sit up straight in the driver’s seat, with the arms slightly bent. Get the correct distance to the steering wheel by placing your wrists at the 12 o'clock side of the steering wheel and then trying to move the wheel at the 10 o’clock and 2 o’clock sides.
If you feel like a lot of steering effort was needed, adjust the seat or steering wheel distance accordingly.
Whether it’s before taking the wheel or while driving, some notions when it comes to Philippine motoring have to be unlearned.
This is so that safe driving is further enforced and the chances of "meeting" people by accident are significantly reduced.
What other bad Filipino driving habits do you think should be addressed?
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