One of the woes of new car owners is the maintenance cost of the vehicle that they just newly purchased. For the Nissan Terra, however, it is not a problem because this heavy duty car only needs twice a year PMS.
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The new 2022 Nissan Terra it's actually a steal for its price. As a new player in the mid-size SUV market as it entered the game in 2018, the Nissan Terra has already impressed car owners all around the Philippines. Even if there are some um points for improvement mentioned in the last iteration of the Terra, its newest model, the 2022 Nissan Terra has already showed what perfection is like in the mid-sized SUV market. Another question that is often asked by a lot of potential clients, especially those who are just being introduced to the Nissan brand, is the durability of the vehicle that they are about to acquire. This is also related, of course, to the cost of PMS or preventive maintenance schedule that vehicle owners would have to undergo in order to maintain their brand new cars to tiptop condition.
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In car forums online, potential Terra owners have inquired current owners regarding the said issue. It is known that maintaining your car in the Casa can sometimes be very pricey and a little bit out of range for the regular consumer. For some car owners, the price of the car is expensive enough that's why they do not actually see a point why the maintenance cost should be high as well. But, for people who have owned cars before, especially those who have bought from secondhand owners, the horrible experience of owning a car that needs maintenance every time you use it is something that throws red flags everywhere. One of the reasons why cars are not on tiptop condition is because owners skip the scheduled preventive maintenance.
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In Nissan, just like in any car dealership nowadays, the maintenance cost of the vehicle is significantly lowered by providing safety nets to their clients. A five-year warranty or a 150,000 kilometer warranty to the vehicle is provided for every vehicle purchase. This ensures a worry-free ownership of a Nissan vehicle. Significantly this also lessons the maintenance cost of the vehicle because you know that it can actually last for five years without breaking down, and if it does, he can just bring it to the Casa to have it repaired without any charges. Even if this scheme is very similar to other dealerships, what Nissan offers that is different from the rest is a twice a year PMS schedule, or every 10,000 kilometers, compared to the others which asks the owner to bring the car in every 5000 kilometers.
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For those thinking of is there a real price of Nissan maintenance, you can visit their website and talk to their agents. Don't feel fooled because of the seemingly clickbait title because the cost is left unmentioned. In reality, maintenance costs vary from car to car because of different needs. (Just be smart enough to know which add-ons can be removed from the list the dealership asks you to pay for. Well, in terms of rewards, the true reward of maintaining a Nissan Terra, or any Nissan vehicle for that matter, is actually peace of mind.
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Also Read: Three Things I like About the Nissan Terra