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What are the after-sale expenses of a car?

Angelica · Oct 16, 2022 11:30 AM


What are the after-sale expenses of a car? 01


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After dealing and settling with the market price of a brand-new car, the real deal lies in the succeeding years of ownership, or the after-sales expenses. Aside from pumping in fuel to go on with every drive, there are still other car maintenance items to keep in mind.  What does this include?

Doing the math

Indeed, we cannot be sure how much we will spend on a car for the length of time that we have it. There's no such thing as preparing ourselves at once. Although, of course, we can prepare, the figures differ from time to time. What's sure, though, is that it will always be an operation of addition and multiplication. It's as if you're taking care of a child. You can't put an exact figure on that. You just have to deal with it.


The first thing that goes to mind when talking about the after-sale expenses of a car is fuel. You can't get to your destination if you don't gas up. We all know that, and we make our peace with it. However, the problem is not just that. The burden is the continuously fluctuating fuel prices. I remember that morning; my parents were complaining when they heard the news that the cost of diesel would go up to PHP 18. Back then, that amount was already a burden. And now, it is almost a hundred pesos, which leaves some Filipinos no choice but to take public transportation. Nevertheless, most car owners deal with inflation.


Aside from fuel, tires are considered consumables, as we need to replace them religiously for our safety. Tire prices vary depending on the brand and the size. If you are planning on getting an entry-level Toyota Vios, it will cost you around PHP 2,000 to PHP 6,000 each, depending on the brand. Since you need to replace four tires, that will charge you around PHP 8,000 to PHP 24,000. It may look expensive but always remember that changing tires is one of the essential maintenance costs of a car. Apart from changing them, rotating the tires is advisable, as front and rear tires carry different weight loads.

Preventive Maintenance Schedule

A preventive Maintenance Schedule or PMS is like an annual health check-up. Only that it is not scheduled annually but is dependent on your usage. If your brand-new car reaches its first 1,000-kilometer distance, that is the time you should have it checked or scheduled for preventive maintenance. Like tires, preventive maintenance checks vary depending on the vehicle and range from PHP 1,500 to PHP 7,200 and more for the higher mileage checks and replacements. However, some car dealers offer free maintenance services for your car's first and second schedules.

Car Insurance

If you have health insurance, that's good for you, as there is a guarantee that you will get support regarding health problems. That is the same principle with car insurance. If something unfortunate happens on the road, your car is covered. Since you have your car insurance, the insurance company must fix your car's damages. It is a sort of peace of mind tie-up and costs will vary depending on your car model. According to Moneymax, a Toyota Vios owner has to spend PHP 11,212 annually for car insurance. It sits on a slightly pricey figure but what you are paying for here is the assurance that your car is covered for the whole year from damage, accidents, or even theft.

Other expenses

If you are a car owner who constantly cares for the well-being of your car and yourself, it is inevitable to have other expenses, for sure. This type of expense is what they call aftermarket improvements. Some car owners prefer to have improved car features, and others spend on additional safety. However, remember that this expense can be unnecessary and depends on our preference.

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