Here are the fuel preformance for Kawasaki CT125, according to Kawasaki official:

The fuel consumption of 2021 Kawasaki CT125 Standard is 61.4 km/l.

How to ride a motorcycle most fuel-efficiently?

1.Keep Your Tyres Inflated

2.Maintain Your Bike Regularly

3.Drive at a Steady Speed

4.Buy The Right Fuel

5.Reduce Weight on Your Motorcycle

6.Be Aerodynamic

7.Use Highways

8.Replace the fuel and air filters.

9.Check spark plug, carbs, and jets.

10.Clean your engine.

  • How much is Kawasaki CT125 in the Philippines?

    The Kawasaki CT125 price in the Philippines starts at ₱51,400. The lowest price is the 2021 Kawasaki CT125 Standard, ranging all the way up to the 2021 Kawasaki CT125 Standard priced at ₱51,400.

  • Is the Kawasaki CT125 a good motorcycle?

    The Kawasaki CT125 is a popular motorcycle to buy as it offers powerful and efficient engine options as well as premium, spacious interiors. Even used Kawasaki CT125 motorcycles offer the premium driving experience.

  • What models does Kawasaki CT125 have?

    Kawasaki CT125 models in the Philippines: 2021 Kawasaki CT125 Standard.

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