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First Omoda 5 "unboxed" in the Philippines

Mikko David · Oct 15, 2023 01:05 PM

First Omoda 5

Omoda & Jaecoo Philippines announced that an initial batch of Omoda 5 units has arrived in the country.

These Omoda 5 units will be used for pre-launch activities and previews to the press, prospective dealers, bankers, and other stakeholders in time for the brand's soft launch by the end of this year. 

All set for 2023 brand launch



The local company is a subsidiary of Omoda Global and will be distributing both ICE and New Energy vehicles in the country. Country Director Marco Chen flew in from the brand's Anhui, China headquarters to unwrap the first delivery. 

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ALSO READ: "We are not nobody," Marco Chen, Omoda & Jaecoo Philippines

Omoda & Jaecoo Country Director

Omoda & Jaecoo Country Director Marco Chen unwraps the protective sheets from the first Omoda 5 delivered to the Philippines. PHOTO FROM OMODA & JAECOO PH

According to a press statement from Omoda & Jaecoo Philippines, the Omoda 5 variants it will offer will include a 1.5-liter turbocharged ICE in entry-level and high-end trim, the Omoda 5 EV, and the Omoda 5 EV Extended Range, which can go up to 450 kilometers on a single charge. Start of sales is slated for early 2024.

Omoda & Jaecoo PH


“We are excited to finally have the actual Omoda 5 units in the country," shared Uzzi Asuncion, Philippines Brand Manager for Omoda and Jaecoo. "This way, we can have an avenue to offer our stakeholders, media partners and potential clients a full-
on experience with the car even before its formal launch. We also have some pre-launch activities in the pipeline that’s geared towards building more confidence with our
products," he added. 

Omoda & Jaecoo


As a global product, the Omoda 5 already has an English User Interface embedded in its operating system. So, customers need not deal with Chinese-language markings in the vehicles they will purchase from Omoda & Jaecoo Philippines. 

Safety assured



The Omoda 5 also received a 5-star Euro NCAP rating, making it one of the safest new vehicles on the market. 

ALSO READ: One of the safest: 2024 Omoda 5 scores 5-star Euro NCAP rating

First impressions

Jaecoo 8 and Omoda 5

The Jaecoo 7 (front) will also be made available by Omoda & Jaecoo Philippines. PHOTO BY MIKKO DAVID

We've tested the Omoda 5 and the Jaecoo 8 in a previous sortie to China. Both models hold promise not only in design but also in comfort and driving dynamics. 

ALSO READ: Omoda and Jaecoo's design languages reveal who they are for

AutoFun Philippines will once again visit the Omoda Global facilities in China this week for an immersion into both brands' customer and user efforts, as well as to take a peek at its green initiatives and future concepts. So, watch this space!

Mikko David


With an automotive career spanning 27 years as a former touring car racer turned automotive journalist and photographer, Mikko also handled marketing and PR for two major Japanese car brands before finding peace and purpose in sharing his views about cars, driving, and mobility.

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