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MG Cebu South opens, 43rd dealership for the brand

VJ Bacungan · Nov 23, 2022 11:00 AM

MG Cebu South opens, 43rd dealership for the brand 01

MG Philippines has expanded its nationwide dealer network with a new showroom in Cebu Province.

The Chinese carmaker said in a November 2022 press statement that MG Cebu South is now open for business in the Plaza Margarita commercial complex, located in the town of Minglanilla.

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MG Cebu South opens, 43rd dealership for the brand 01

The 210-square-meter dealership is located near Cebu South Road and can accommodate three display units. It also has a service bay for pre-scheduled repairs and maintenance.

MG Cebu South opens, 43rd dealership for the brand 02

“The Covenant Car Company, Inc. and MG continue to expand the brand’s nationwide dealership network with the opening of MG Cebu South, giving the residents of the Municipality of Minglanilla and the surrounding area access to the latest MG products and promos, while also providing reliable aftersales support,” said MG Philippines president Alberto Arcilla.

“With the new MG Cebu South dealership, MG Philippines strengthens its presence in the province of Cebu by offering attainable, modern, and stylish British heritage MGs to clients looking to make a responsible new car purchase,” he added.

MG Cebu South opens, 43rd dealership for the brand 03

MG Cebu South is managed by the Gateway Group, which operates the largest multi-brand car dealer in Cebu, with marques like Kia, Nissan, BMW, Honda and Suzuki.

“Our short-term goal for MG Cebu South is to increase awareness and visibility for the MG brand in this area, while enabling customers to trust the quality and durability of our MG vehicles and making them aware of the high value-for-money proposition that MG offers,” said Gateway Group executive vice president Michael Goho.

“In the long-term, we envision MG Cebu South to positively contribute to the continuous growth and sustainability of the MG brand here and in the rest of Cebu, while establishing a solid community of MG owners who will be more than willing to spread the good word about MG,” Goho added.

Are you ready to try out the latest MG models?

VJ Bacungan

Senior Writer

An award-winning multimedia journalist, editor, and host for online and TV who has written in-depth stories on road safety and the Philippine elections. Outside of the media, VJ is an accomplished motorsports champion, English teacher, and dancer.

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