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FAST DEAL: Test-drive a Hyundai this weekend at SM Aura, discounts on hand!

Mikko David · Mar 25, 2023 01:00 PM

FAST DEAL: Test-drive a Hyundai this weekend at SM Aura, discounts on hand! 01

The Hyundai Mobility Experience roadshow and test drive event is happening this weekend, March 25 and 26th, at the SM Aura in BGC.

Hyundai Motor Philippines' current lineup, which includes the Staria van, the Tucson crossover, the Stagazer MPV, and the Creta subcompact crossover, is on hand for customers to sit down and explore.

FAST DEAL: Test-drive a Hyundai this weekend at SM Aura, discounts on hand! 02

window.googletag = window.googletag || {cmd: []}; googletag.cmd = googletag.cmd || []; googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.defineSlot('/22557728108/ph_article_fourthp_under_pc', [ 728, 90 ], 'div-gpt-ad-1686500526235-0').addService(googletag.pubads()); googletag.pubads().enableSingleRequest(); googletag.pubads().collapseEmptyDivs(); googletag.enableServices(); });
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The roadshow also offers a ₱10,000 discount voucher for customers who will place reservations for either the Hyundai Creta (Specs | News) or Stargazer during the display. 

FAST DEAL: Test-drive a Hyundai this weekend at SM Aura, discounts on hand! 01

Aside from being able to check out the vehicles, test drive units are also on-hand for those who would like to feel what it is like to drive these models on the road. 

FAST DEAL: Test-drive a Hyundai this weekend at SM Aura, discounts on hand! 02

A New Earth Washable Paper Bag and other Hyundai merchandise will also be on hand as giveaways to visitors.

FAST DEAL: Test-drive a Hyundai this weekend at SM Aura, discounts on hand! 03

The roadshow will also showcase Hyundai's first all-electric vehicle in the country and 2022 World Car of the Year awardee, the Ioniq 5. With its Vehicle-to-Load functionality, the EV will power an on-site cafe serving freshly brewed drinks.

FAST DEAL: Test-drive a Hyundai this weekend at SM Aura, discounts on hand! 04

FAST DEAL: Test-drive a Hyundai this weekend at SM Aura, discounts on hand! 05

HMP says that the first 50 individuals who sign up for interest at
experience will receive an exclusive set of five Hyundai-branded car fresheners. 

So if you have plans to go to the mall this weekend, make it a trip to SM Aura and catch the Hyundai Motor Philippines' display.


Mikko David


With an automotive career spanning 27 years as a former touring car racer turned automotive journalist and photographer, Mikko also handled marketing and PR for two major Japanese car brands before finding peace and purpose in sharing his views about cars, driving, and mobility.

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Hyundai Creta 1.5 GL 6M/T Standard 2022


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