Geely Philippines releases official statement over customer service and after-sales concerns
Joey Deriquito · Sep 1, 2023 11:40 AM
Geely Philippines releases its official statement with regard to the recent customer and after-sales service issues. PHOTO FROM GEELY PHILIPPINES.
Geely Philippines has been in hot water over the past few days due to social media posts of some of its customers going viral over its initial inaction to address its customer service concerns.
These posts reflect the unhappiness the brand’s customers feel about its aftersales services, which they feel were unsatisfactory. By now, you have probably seen these posts. The first was a Geely Coolray with fuel pump issues, and the second was a new Geely Emgrand owner who was given a poorly repainted vehicle.
However, after staying quiet for quite some time, Geely Philippines has finally released an official statement on the matter and has apologized for its lapses in addressing concerns on how it handles the aftersales care for its customers.
Aside from its apology to address customer service concerns, the official statement also announces that Geely Philippines has opened a dedicated hotline email address ( for any issues owners might have with their vehicles. The company also states that it will answer your concerns within two working days.
Too little too late?
While Geely Philippines is taking the right step by releasing an official statement and opening up a customer care email address, the brand still needs to follow through by improving the management of its dealerships and their after-sales service.
Trust is easily broken but very hard to rebuild; from now on, Geely will need to be careful with how it treats its customers and step up its game in the after-sales department for its dealership network.
It will also need to stockpile parts for more than just basic maintenance of its current lineup of vehicles, also covering parts for collision damage and other specialized parts. In the coming months, it will also need to overhaul how it gets parts into the country and how it gets these parts to its dealership network.
A car enthusiast at heart, nothing excites Joey more than an open road and a full tank of gas. Ready with the latest information about cars, he constantly studies and researches the latest happenings in the motoring world while caring for a car that's an extension of himself.