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The All-new 2022 Toyota Avanza on Its Redefined Performance

Angelica · May 13, 2022 10:20 AM

Toyota dominates the automotive industry when it comes to family cars as they have unveiled the new version of the Toyota Avanza after other Toyota MPVs launched. Critics say that the global launch of the 2022 Toyota Avanza was a huge success as Toyota made sure that the features, looks, functionalities, and performance of the new generation didn’t just take a step up but has elevated to an unexpected level.

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The third-generation Toyota Avanza has a combined power of the old and the new powertrain system. It carries the same two engine types as before, and what’s new is that the Avanza is now on a front-wheel-drive configuration unlike before. That is also one of the reasons why the interior cabin is more spacious.

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The All-new 2022 Toyota Avanza on Its Redefined Performance 01

The new Avanza also discontinued the torque converter automatic transmission as it was replaced with a CVT for the higher and top-of-the-line variants. Its riding quality is much better as compared to its previous version. It is noticeable even more when driven around the city.

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The powertrain shifting is also smoother, and it absorbs road impacts very well than before since it is now in a CVT configuration. In effect, it conserves more fuel because of the new drivetrain. In terms of the steering, it is still the same because it uses electronic power steering, and it feels light to handle.

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The acceleration is also good, but the speed is not that promising because of the CVT. Nevertheless, it rides and drives well around the city. The braking power is responsive and easy to get used to.

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If the road is upward, you have to wait and estimate, you have to give the gear some adjustment time. Even though it is not meant for steep road drives, Toyota Avanza can still handle the drive.

The All-new 2022 Toyota Avanza on Its Redefined Performance 05

Overall, the powertrain performance of the 2022 Toyota Avanza is promising and compensates more than its worth in the market.

Also Read: A Stunning Upgrade for the 2022 Toyota Avanza

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