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Toyota Mobility Solutions Ph: A Fusion of Tech and Altruism

Mikko David · Aug 17, 2022 02:30 PM

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Toyota Motor Philippines is expanding its portfolio of businesses in the country. In a launch ceremony last August 12th, TMP formally presented a new subsidiary which will provide mobility solutions to small businesses and individuals. Toyota Mobility Solutions Philippines will offer a host of technology-driven "new mobility solutions" that will leverage the company's core product - cars.

TMSPH will offer services such as fleet-connected service, on-demand shuttle booking app, car sharing or rental, logistics matching service, and fleet management service. It will be headed by Ma. Cristina Fe Arevalo, as its president. Arevalo also headed the New Mobility Business Division of TMP which focused on car rental services for the brand. 

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From marketing to new mobility, Tini Arevalo becomes TMSPH's first president.

Answering the need for mobility

The new subsidiary will most likely absorb the car rental business while adding a new dimension of mobility and logistics support for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises or MSMEs. It will also promote and support the units under Toyota Financial Services Philippines Corporation (TFSPH)and its leasing service called KINTO.

According to TMP chairman Alfred V. Ty, TMSPH is itself a solution by Toyota Motor Philippines to address the rising concern by people for the environment and sustainable living. "The traditional business model of manufacture and ownership of cars is fast changing to a focus on car usership," acknowledges Ty. That realization, along with the advent of new technologies that are making connected, automotive, shared and electrified mobility prevalent, are the key rationale behind this latest endeavor by TMP. 

TMP president and TMSPH chairman Atsuhiro Okamoto, also recalled his experience of taking various forms of public transportation at the start of his term in the Philippines as an inspiration for the new mobility business. 

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A Facebook post from the TMP President's account earned 49,000 likes and the public's reaction to it showed Okamoto the need for Toyota to evolve from manufacturing and lead the challenge for new mobility solutions.

"The many events that followed, with the COVID-19 pandemic as the most disruptive among them, further reinforced that the Philippines is ready for innovative mobility solutions that will help improve the way we move people, industries, and the economy," shared Okamoto in a prepared speech.  

Given Toyota's deep understanding of Philippine mobility and immense marketing experience, what mobility solutions would you like TMSPH to focus on?

Mikko David


With an automotive career spanning 27 years as a former touring car racer turned automotive journalist and photographer, Mikko also handled marketing and PR for two major Japanese car brands before finding peace and purpose in sharing his views about cars, driving, and mobility.

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