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The Toyota Alphard -- Luxury Abound

AJ · Jun 24, 2022 05:30 PM

The Toyota Alphard -- Luxury Abound 01

(Images from Toyota PH)

The Toyota Alphard is Toyota's most luxurious vehicle in the country. Perhaps you might not have heard its name yet or haven't seen one. Named like a fictitious creature like Pokémon, the Alphard is somewhat a rare kind on the busy streets of the metro. It is so rare that some people do not even know they have seen one, as the typical Toyota badge is replaced by a lot of chrome that is supposed to say "alpha".

The Toyota Alphard -- Luxury Abound 02

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Nothings says luxury and comfort like the Alphard, starting at PhP 4,095,000, and you have to add a little more, about PhP 15,000 if you like the pearl white color, which seems to the small Alphard crowd favorite. With this price, we are talking about a vehicle whose greatest asset is not on the front seat as the buyer is meant to be chauffeured around in the spacious interior.

The Alphard is a behemoth. It's already like a minibus with the following dimensions in millimeters:  4,945 in length x 1,850 in width x 1,890 height. It has a 3000 mm wheelbase. Despite its size, it can seat only seven passengers, when in a regular van some can seat twice that number. Comfort is maximized through space.

The Toyota Alphard -- Luxury Abound 01

The Alphard is run by something that also screams luxury especially with gas prices reaching a record high – a 3.5-liter V6 gasoline engine which produces about 296 horses and 361 Nm of torque. This is paired with an 8-speed automatic transmission.

The Alphard's striking feature is the front grille that is made of chrome so plenty it even reached the hood molding. It has LED foglamps and taillamps, a rear spoiler with a brake light, 18-inch alloy wheels which are sturdy and reliable, and also looks nice. It also has some practical electronic things which subtly show class -- clearance sonars, automatic with jam protector windows, a power back door, power tailgate, a built-in navigation system with its infotainment system, climate control, electronic parking brake, LED room lamps, a clever back camera which turns on if you toggle a small switch on the rear-view mirror.  

The Toyota Alphard -- Luxury Abound 02

Inside the Alphard, you can find leather and wood trims with silver accents. Your eyes will linger on its four-way power captain seats made with natural leather and memory foam which turn into recliners on a push of a button, and tons of legroom. There are also airbags and AC vents all over, a rear moonroof, a built-in sunshade, and 17 cup holders! It has 16 hues of ceiling illumination aka mood lights and six speakers.

The Toyota Alphard -- Luxury Abound 03

As I mentioned, having an Alphard says you need a chauffeur, so the captain seats are the seats to be, unlike in many vehicles that the most thrilling part is being on the driver seat. Some who have tested the vehicle, although, say that the Alphard, despite its size can be as nimble as a van or minibus can be, with the power to move the behemoth along even on inclines.

The Toyota Alphard -- Luxury Abound 04

To end, the Alphard is luxurious enough to make heads turn but it also has the Toyota guarantee of reliability If you (or your boss) wants a 7seater luxury van, then the Alphard can be a great contender. Just tell your boss this one does not go with the misnomer that you can put beds and lavatories in it; at least not in this vehicle.

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Market fair trade-in price

2021 Toyota Alphard 3.5 Gas AT


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