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Toyota Yaris Cross Hybrid preferred in Indonesia, could the Philippines get it?

Joey Deriquito · Jul 12, 2023 05:30 PM

Toyota Yaris Cross


The Toyota Yaris Cross was recently launched in Indonesia, where it is offered in six variants, four are gasoline models, and the remaining two are hybrids. 

However, thanks to our friends from Wapcar and Autofun Indonesia, we discovered that the hybrid variants are the most highly sought-after models. 

Also read: Toyota Yaris Cross: 78% of buyers in Indonesia chose Hybrid over petrol variants

Toyota Yaris Cross


In an interview with AutoFun ID, Anton Jimmi Suwandy, Marketing Director of PT Toyota Astra Motor (TAM), it was revealed that up to 78% of orders for the Yaris Cross have been for the hybrid variants. 

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However, it is essential to note that these numbers only came from Western Indonesia as the Japanese brand has yet to distribute the crossover in the eastern part of the country. Even accounting for the distribution in the east, Anton estimated that the hybrid variants would still have a higher demand versus their gasoline counterparts. 

Toyota Yaris cross assembly


The same situation can be said with the Toyota Zenix hybrid variants exceeding sales expectations. With the high demand for hybrid models, the production of hybrid vehicles at the Karawang plant has been boosted to meet the demand. 

What about the Philippines?

Toyota Yaris cross indonesia


While nothing is official, industry chatter has revealed that Toyota Motor Philippines (TMP) may soon launch the Toyota Yaris Cross in the local market. It will likely slot under the Corolla Cross and above the Raize

Like in Indonesia, TMP may offer the Yaris Cross in two configurations, a gasoline, and a hybrid model, as it did with the Toyota Zenix. Having these two configurations available can help the Japanese automaker gauge the demand for hybrid vehicles in the Philippine context.

Also Read: Hybrid Yaris Cross headed to the Philippines as Indonesian exports begin

If the conditions in the Philippine market are similar to Indonesia, we could see more hybrid models being sold in the country if the pricing is correct. Otherwise, it could be a scenario where Toyota first brings in the gasoline models and then follows up with the hybrid variants later. 

It's a waiting game to see what TMP will have in store for the Toyota Yaris Cross if and when it decides to bring it in. 

Should TMP bring the Yaris Cross to the Philippines?

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Joey Deriquito

Junior Writer

A car enthusiast at heart, nothing excites Joey more than an open road and a full tank of gas. Ready with the latest information about cars, he constantly studies and researches the latest happenings in the motoring world while caring for a car that's an extension of himself.

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